Friday, 30 November 2012

Read.....then step away from your computer!!!!!!!

Just arrived back from a week in Lanzarote to find our boiler has conked out on the coldest day of the year so far, my fingers are frozen and I'm fed up so it's a quickie today.
I'm also in a bad mood after dredging through dozens of spam e.mails and going eight rounds with Next Directory, having to repeat my full name, address and date of birth to five different departments on their darn rip-off 0844 complaints line.  Grrrrrrrr.
But what's mainly on my mind is the fact that during a week away from communications technology, we've met some amazing people and had conversations that could never happen via the internet or telephone.  We've had the privilege to meet a charming elderly couple from Newcastle, coping with the aftermath of a disabling stroke and still smiling, world-class athletes and all-round lovely people Ironman couple Stephen and Bella Bayliss and their adorable son Charlie, currently living and training at Sands Beach in Lanzarote, and an elderly Christian teacher who has travelled around the world 122 times but told us 'there's no place like home'.  It's true; back home after a lovely break (more on that when my fingers have de-frosted and a man called Alan has fitted a new circuit board in our boiler), dear friends took the unexpected trouble to fetch us from the airport (and arm us with bow-wrapped Lemsip, LOL) and our adorable Brazilian neighbour brought round home-made soup and warmed rolls the very second we wearily stepped out of the car.  (It was a long flight, more on that later as well!)
I was just thinking about all these people when I came across an e.mail from Twitter saying, 'we've found some people you may know on twitter'.  I say, who cares!?  I've already found some 'real' people  that we may never have known if we hadn't got off our backsides, stepped out of cyberspace, out of the front door and into the real world (even if it is a bit chilly sometimes!).

Here endeth today's lesson!!!
I'll be back with the usual banter soon to tell you about our flight diversion and running out of milk - mid-air.....
The  boys enjoying the beach