This week a friend, recently introduced to my blog, questioned how I find the time to write.
Like me, she's a working mum and therefore couldn't believe there was enough spare nano-seconds in the day to sit down and write, just for the sake of it.
Well, I may have mentioned I can type really, really fast so that side isn't a problem although I have moved my desk into the kitchen so I can dash to and fro from the vegetable stir fry and the jigsaw I'm doing with my little lad.
In fact, I remember once wiping my little boy's bum while doing a live and very serious telephone interview for Radio Norfolk. Now that's multi-tasking! In fact, if us mums step back and look at our weekly tasks, it's a wonder we have time to sleep. I recall years ago seeing the 'MUM'S TAXI' bumper sticker and not understanding it. I do now. In a normal week, our family activities include: -
- Playing football
- Streeet dancing
- Football training
- Ballet / tap dancing (not at the same time, obviously)
- Pilates / running (again, separate activities)
- Playing tennis
- Watching football (on TV and SWFC live and chilly from the terraces)
- School / homework / work (running a shop which only ever closes on Christmas Day)
- Cooking / cleaning / washing / ironing / shopping yadder, yadder
- Visiting far-flung family (well, Brid is fairly well 'flung')
- Did I mention football?
- Community activities - school governor /
My super-brainy friend recently questioned my guilty pleasure and I challenged her to watch just one episode of X Factor or I'm a Celebrity.... But it didn't turn out too well; she instantly challenged me back to watch just one episode of Newsnight and I conceded defeat. (well there's some MP or other on I'm a Celebrity...., isn't that enough politics for anybody?).
NB: I made a pledge with myself to always be honest in my blog (and indeed, in life). I therefore confess, the vegetable stir-fry and jigsaw comment was a ruse to make me sound like a yummy mummy. What I really meant was I stick frozen chicken nuggets and chips in the oven, leave the kids on Minecraft and then get writing.
Did I mention the football? |