All Hallows' Eve. Isn't it? More like All Haribo's Eve as Americanised commercialism further throttles yet another biblical festival. Probably wasn't a good idea to write my first ever blog on October 31, that can't be good luck, can it?! Mind you, I've just been walking around in the pouring rain wearing my husband's jacket and a Zorro mask and knocking on neighbours' doors so my street cred, or should I say 'net-cred, can't really get any worse.
Is it just me or wasn't 'trick or treat' formerly the night before bonfire night and known as 'mischief night' in the good old days (by that I mean the 70s slash 80s)? Am I getting confused; it does happen, must be all the Haribos! So, my first blog reveals I'm forty something (1 to be precise) and a mum. Or did you think the Zorro mask was just something I normally indulge in of a Wednesday evening when there's nothing on the telly (which is often)? No, I was accompanying my gorgeous little mini Zorro with matching mask, sword, white trainers (Antonio would not approve) and Harry Potter cape (shall I sign him up for split personality therapy now do you think?).
So Halloween has been and gone, well it's 8.30pm so as far as I'm concerned the day is done. Ah, I see the detectives among you have deciphered, if I'm knackered by 8.30pm I must have two children! I do, two wonderful boys, but more of them in future blogs I'm sure. It is more than likely as well that I'll be delving into the past as a friend assured me that some 'pre-blogs' I wrote (i.e. with good old pen and paper in the nineties and noughties) were quite readable, so I may share them. I'll try and go steady on the quote marks etc as another friend once advised me and there won't be a capital letter in sight unless appropriate such as a city name or a brand, i.e. Haribos. Capital letters are SOOOO overused, it drives me BONKERS.
For now, over and out as it seems I've already started rambling, again, I blame the Haribo's, now being swished down with Blossom Hill, a cheeky combo!